Tuesday, July 31, 2007

# 6

a. What challenge did you take?
b. Were you able to beat the challenge? How do you feel about it?
c. What have you realized/learned from your experience?

The challenge that I take was having a highscore in one of our courses. Actually, I feel glad after this challenge because I did not expect that I will get a high score and I got perfect. I really beat the challenge and I hope that I would do the same thing to other courses.

After this experience, I realized that I'm also good and other courses and I could also commit mistake. Honestly, before this experience happened, I was really disappointed to myself because I got Low scores in my Algebra course, I was ashamed to myself that time. I was really sad. I had many problems that time and I thought the world was against me, but suddenly, when we got that assessment exercise in Humanities, my feelings became well. And what I thought about my failures became less.

Saturday, July 28, 2007


In our life challenges is always on the run. We encounter different trials and problems that are not easy solve and get along with. We tend to do things that are not pleasing to other people and some people feels the same way to you.
In our values education course, I realized that not all people are capable of doing the things that he/she wants to do... in short "nobody is perfect". We need to respect other people as we want others to respect ourselves. We should be aware about the feelings of other people nd have some limitation on what we are going to tell them.
I ,for myself, also encountered this scenario wherein I felt very down because I had commited some mistakes and I felt disappointment to myself. But my friends still respect me and they comfort me. After that I felt good and happy.

Sunday, July 15, 2007


Lately I feel contented with my life. I’m happy with my new friends , and with my old friends who still supports me. I’m also happy with my family. I have a good relationship with my mother, she also knew about my bf and I’m glad she’s not angry. But unfortunately, my father did not know about my bf, I’m going to tell him when he arrives on December. I hope my father will not get angry.


I really feel great when people around me, accepts who I am. I hope that my new friends will be able accept the real and imperfect me...................

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

_ThiS is it_

This is it... The beginning of my new journey..... I am now a college student... I don't know what to react about it... but i feel glad and quite nervous.... I'm now facing a new life, interacting with different kinds of people, different trials and different scenarios..... I hope I could be a better person after graduating in college.